
Yahoo! News: Europe News


Yahoo! News: Europe News

Mladic could be extradited as early as Monday (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 04:29 PM PDT

In this photo provided by the Politika Newspaper, Bosnian Serb army commander Ratko Mladic, who  was arrested Thursday, May 26, 2011, in Serbia after years in hiding. Genocide suspect Ratko Mladic in due in a Belgrade court for a hearing which is a legal step toward his extradition to a U.N. war crimes tribunal. Europe's most wanted war crimes fugitive was arrested Thursday in a northern Serbian village after 16 years on the run. The hearing is set for noon (1000 GMT) Friday, May 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Politika Newspaper) EDITORIAL USE ONLYAP - Ratko Mladic is eating strawberries and receiving family visits in a Serbian jail, but as early as Monday the ex-general could be on his way to face a war-crimes tribunal in The Hague, possibly joining his former ally Radovan Karadzic on trial for some of the worst horrors of the Balkan wars.

Faulty readings ahead of 2009 Air France crash (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 04:20 PM PDT

FILE  - This Sunday, June 14, 2009 file photo shows workers unloading debris, belonging to crashed Air France flight AF447, from the Brazilian Navy's Constitution Frigate in the port of Recife, northeast of Brazil. Officials say flight recorders from an Air France plane that crashed nearly two years ago show that the captain only arrived in the cockpit after the plane had begun its fateful 3 1/2-minute descent. The initial findings of the French air accident investigation agency, the BEA, based on a reading of the so-called black boxes recovered from the ocean depths, found that the captain had been resting when the emergency began. All 228 aboard the Rio de Janeiro to Paris flight were killed on June 1, 2009.  (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres, File)AP - Confronted with faulty instrument readings and alarms going off in the cockpit, the pilots of an Air France jetliner struggled to tame the aircraft as it went into an aerodynamic stall, rolled, and finally plunged 38,000 feet into the Atlantic Ocean in just 3 1/2 minutes.

Serb court says Mladic fit for genocide trial (Reuters)

Posted: 27 May 2011 03:18 PM PDT

Bosnian Serb wartime general Ratko Mladic in seen a photo taken in Belgrade, May 26, 2011. REUTERS/Politika/HandoutReuters - Ratko Mladic is fit enough to face genocide charges in The Hague, a Belgrade court ruled on Friday, after the Bosnian Serb wartime general's son said he appeared too frail after more than 15 years on the run.

AP Exclusive: Behind the raid that nabbed Mladic (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 02:44 PM PDT

A Serbian police officer guards the house where Bosnian Serb wartime general Ratko Mladic was found in the village Lazarevo close to the northern Serbian town of Zrenjanin, 50 kilometers north of Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, May 27, 2011. Ratko Mladic was arrested on Thursday in the village in Serbia after 16 years on the run. (AP Photo/Andrej Cukic)AP - The old man, hobbled by pain, couldn't coax himself to sleep. He got out of bed just before dawn, pulled on a blue baseball cap and headed for a walk in the garden. Maybe some fresh air would clear his head.

After Obama's European tour, challenges at home (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 02:42 PM PDT

U.S. President Barack Obama talks with, from left to right: U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,  Amr Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League, and Egypt's Prime Minister Essam Sharaf at the G8 summit in Deauville, France, Friday, May 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)AP - Hope you've enjoyed your European trip, Mr. President. A lot's awaiting your attention on your return Saturday.

Police fire rubber bullets at protesters in Barcelona (AFP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 02:30 PM PDT

A protester shouts and shows his hands covered with blood while policemen try to dismantle a camp set at Catalunya's square in Barcelona.(AFP/Josep Lago)AFP - Spanish police fired rubber bullets and swung truncheons to disperse anti-crisis protesters in a Barcelona square Friday as cleaning crews cleared their tent camp.

Spanish police clash with protesters, many hurt (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 02:15 PM PDT

A riot police officer uses his batton to disperse demonstrators during clashes in Barcelona, Friday, May 27, 2011. Truncheon-wielding police in Barcelona have clashed with protesters at a makeshift camp that is one of dozens erected in Spain to protest high unemployment and other woes. Officers in riot gear were accompanying workers tasked with cleaning up the nearly two-week old camp at Plaza de Catalunya and police used force when protesters would not evacuate the camp temporarily as requested. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)AP - Riot police firing rubber bullets and wielding truncheons clashed Friday with protesters as authorities cleared away a makeshift camp set up as part of a Spain-wide demonstration against the country's economic problems. More than 100 people were injured.

Air France crash sparks pilot mystery (Reuters)

Posted: 27 May 2011 01:56 PM PDT

Reuters - A French airliner plunged out of control for four minutes before crashing into the Atlantic in 2009, investigators said, in a report raising questions about how crew handled a "stall alarm" blaring out in the cabin.

Puerto Rican tourist mugged in Naples dies (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 01:53 PM PDT

AP - A Naples hospital says a Puerto Rican tourist who was knocked to the ground by muggers trying to grab his Rolex has died, nine days after he was hospitalized with severe head injuries.

Three-way tie for lead at Wentworth (AFP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 01:17 PM PDT

Golfer Luke Donald watches his drive from the 4th tee during the second round of the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth Golf Club in Surrey, England. Donald came back to the pack in the second round of the PGA Championship here on Friday and now shares the lead with Italy's Matteo Manassero and Alvaro Quiros of Spain.(AFP/Glyn Kirk)AFP - Luke Donald came back to the pack in the second round of the PGA Championship here on Friday and now shares the lead with Italy's Matteo Manassero and Alvaro Quiros of Spain.

Russian police free hostages at prison (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 01:15 PM PDT

AP - Two convicted murderers kidnapped six staff members at a maximum security prison in Russia on Friday, but police attacked the men as they tried to escape and freed the hostages.

Obama in Poland to honor history, boost ties (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 12:18 PM PDT

President Barack Obama meets with Jewish leaders and Holocaust survivors after laying a wreath at the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial in Warsaw, Poland, Friday, May 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)AP - President Barack Obama on Friday honored the memories of those slain in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising against Nazis, telling one elderly man that the memorial was a "reminder of the nightmare" of the Holocaust in which 6 millions Jews were killed.

Bosnia finds little joy in Mladic arrest (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 11:27 AM PDT

Bosnian Muslim woman Hatidza Mehmedovic touches the gravestone of her relative, victims of the Srebrenica massacre, at the Potocari memorial center near Srebrenica, Bosnia, Thursday, May 26, 2011. Ratko Mladic, the ruthless Bosnian Serb military leader charged with orchestrating Europe's worst massacre of civilians since World War II, was arrested before dawn at a relative's home in a tiny Serbian village on Thursday after a 16-year hunt for the architect of what a war-crimes judge called 'scenes from hell.' (AP Photo/Amel Emric)AP - Bosniak Muslims expressed grim satisfaction Friday at Ratko Mladic's arrest on genocide charges but there was little public celebration — a sharp contrast to scenes after the 2008 capture of close Mladic ally Radovan Karadzic.

Iran nuclear envoy dismissive of sanctions (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 10:47 AM PDT

Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani speaks during a demonstration against Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's appearance at the United Nations in New York September 24, 2009. REUTERS/Patrick AndradeAP - Sanctions imposed on Iran by the international community have had no impact on the Islamic republic's disputed nuclear activities, the country's envoy to the U.N. atomic watchdog said Friday.

Vatican convenes AIDS experts amid condom flap (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 10:26 AM PDT

AP - The Vatican on Friday welcomed AIDS experts from around the world for a two-day symposium on preventing HIV and caring for people with the virus, just months after the pope made international headlines with his groundbreaking comments about condoms and AIDS.

Dutch Cabinet commits to anti-marijuana plan (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 09:14 AM PDT

AP - The Dutch Cabinet says it will push ahead with plans to force anyone wishing to purchase marijuana at the country's weed cafes to first obtain an official pass — a move designed to curtail tourists from buying the drug.

Police hunt blond burglar nicknamed 'Goldilocks' (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 09:12 AM PDT

AP - British police say they're hunting a young blond burglary suspect they've nicknamed "Goldilocks" because he's believed to have slept in one of his victim's homes.

Berlusconi blasts judges at summit (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 09:06 AM PDT

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, left, speaks with US President Barack Obama participate in a round table meeting at the G8 summit in Deauville, France, Thursday, May 26, 2011. G8 leaders, in a two-day meeting, will discuss the Internet, aid for North African states and ways in which to end the conflict in Libya. (AP Photo)AP - Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi has taken his claim that he is being persecuted by leftist judges to the G-8 summit, telling a clearly perplexed President Barack Obama that in Italy they represent "almost a dictatorship."


Posted: 27 May 2011 08:11 AM PDT

AP - Judicial official: Ratko Mladic given strawberries, asks for Tolstoy novel in Serbian jail.

5 IRA dissidents arrested, Belfast bomb defused (AP)

Posted: 27 May 2011 07:17 AM PDT

AP - Northern Ireland police say they have arrested five suspected Irish Republican Army dissidents after British army experts defused a pipe bomb in Belfast.

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